Monday 26 February 2018


Well hello there!
I was very kindly nominated by Luci Barker for The Sunshine Blogger Award. Thank you so much for the nomination, make sure you check her blog out!
The rules for this one are:
1. Thank blogger(s) who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or in your blog.

1. What's your dream job?
To be honest, I don't really know, even at 20 what I want to do. I love blogging so much and eventually want to get into YouTube but I'm not brave enough yet. If I could do either of those full time that would probably be my dream job yes, but you have to be so lucky to end up doing that. 
2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Australia!! That is my number 1 destination to travel to (even though I am not keen on flying), but I know it would be totally worth it.
3. If you had an unlimited amount of money for 1 year, what would you do or buy?
Ooooo this is a good one, the usual loads of makeup. A lovely home for me and my boyfriend to live in, a flashy car and dogs! Would give money to my friends and family. Also I would actually invest as well, probably with properties so when the unlimited money ends I am still getting other sources of income.
4. What is your all time favourite film?
Oh this is a hard one because I have seen so many. I love all types of films and I can't pick just one but a few of my favourite films are: What To Expect When You're Expecting, Shutter Island, Crazy Stupid Love and The Green Mile.
5. Why did you start your blog?
Combination of my love for makeup and I have always loved writing. I wanted to start a blog over a year ago, but just didn't have the confidence to.
6. If you could describe your style in 1 word, what would it be?
I don't really have a specific style, I'm just either all glamed up or completely dressed down with hardly any makeup. 
7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully still blogging and maybe have started a YouTube channel. 
8. If you could only wear 1 makeup product, what would it be?
Now I have my eyebrows microbladed (will be doing a post on this eventually), definitely concealer!
9. What are your blog goals for 2018?
To stay on top of it, being more organised e.g. bulk taking photos. Also, to be more active on social media with interacting with other bloggers.
10. What was your favourite childhood TV Show?
Either Zoey 101 or That's So Raven.
11. What's your favourite memory?
Again I have had so many good ones so it is hard to decide on one but probably big family holidays when I was younger or last year, spending a weekend away with my boyfriend at Brighton.

The 11 bloggers I nominate:

Bryony Baker
Holly Gladwell
Stephanie Vivienne
Jess Clare
Bronia Jane
Lauren Ann Beauty
Hannah Jayde
A Daily Dose Of Holly
Nina Louise
Just A Little Bit Of Lauryn
Life Of Little Things

My 11 questions for you:
Why did you start blogging?
What was your favourite lesson in school?
What is your favourite makeup item?
When you're not blogging, what are you doing?
Do you prefer breakfast, lunch or dinner?
Has blogging given you more confidence?
Are you more of a shoes or handbag gal?
Where would you love to travel to?
What is your favourite film genre?
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
Are you a dog or cat person?

So that was my Sunshine Blogger Award post, again thank you to Luci for nominating me.

Thank you so much for reading,

Want to see more from me?
Twitter: alixholdenx
Instagram: alixholdenx
Bloglovin': alixkate
Don't forget to subscribe to my blog to be notified every time I post!


  1. Thanks so much for nominating me Alix! I will try and eventually get round to doing this post! I loved finding out more about you and can't wait to read about your microblading experience xx

    1. You're most welcome! Thank you I can't wait to share my experience, I feel like not enough people talk about it that have had it done xx
